Join us for our next meeting is on Saturday, June 7 at 5:00 pm. There will be a game dev postmortem presentation from Mark Goetz and Gerry Swanson on their well received Ludum Dare Game Jam entry “Siren’s Song.” You may RSVP on our event page or join the Indie Video Game Developers Association and RSVP here.
Thanks to our May 10th presenters Nick Zafiris, Epicon Technologies – “Anarchy Skies“; Joseph Hocking author of “Unity in Action” and Xion Cooper, Xion Games – “Galactic Drone War“ and YOU for making this an insightful, entertaining and productive learning experience!
Thanks to Attorney Sam Castree, III of Game Dev Law for dropping by. We look forward to his presentation on Intellectual Property. You won’t want to miss it! Special thanks to Clarence McMillan for technical support and immortalizing the presenters & group members with his video recordings and photos. Videos coming later.