PETAL et al. invites the video game community to a special event featuring two ground-breaking technologies in the video game industry – Augmented Reality and 3D Objects scanned, and used in game play on March 15, at the Cidola, 1647 S. Blue Island, in Chicago, from 6-9 p.m.:
Augmented Reality in Video Games
Presented by Patrick O’Shaughnessey
Patched Reality, Inc.
The Agenda is as follows:
- Discussion about what Augmented Reality (AR) is, and different platforms it can run on (i.e. mobile, PC, console)
- Demo of 1 to 2 AR experiences created by Patched Reality
- Presentation of videos and pictures of other games that have been done, and discussion on the game mechanics explored
- An overview pointing out the process of creating an AR app, and the tools available
- An open discussion with audience about AR and its potential in games.
Patrick, a software developer specializing in augmented reality, said: “I think AR is a perfect medium for gaming and will offer the potential for a whole new set of game mechanics.”
Box-O- Zombies the Game Project
Presented by Shawn Recinto and Team
Come out to this presentation and meet Shawn Recinto and the Box-O-Zombies Team. Shawn Recinto is Founder and CEO of Box-O-Zombies, the Founder and President of Immersive Realms, Inc, and founder of the Box-O-Zombies toy line and Headline Games
About Shawn Shawn Recinto
Recinto is a Technology Consultant and Entrepreneur who loves video games and martial arts. He started Immersive Realms in 2004, and was inspired by his kids to make Box O Zombies in 2010.Favorite Scary Movies: The Changeling and Poltergeist (I wet my pants just thinking about that bathtub scene and the wheelchair at the top of the stairs in The Changeling).Favorite Video Game: The Quest For Glory Series Weapon of Choice in a Zombie Outbreak: A Katana because lopping off undead heads looks like it’s fun. Who’s on his zombie apocalypse team: A Red shirt from the original Star Trek series so he can throw them at the zombie horde to slow them down as he makes a get-away.
More information is available by visiting PETAL et al’s announcement website.