Script Writing and Storyboarding for Video Games

PETAL et al.’s script writing and storyboarding workshop was a resounding success. Sonya Bratcher, a freelance creative writer and PETAL et al.’s Events Manager, taught students how to get started with writing for video games. Later, students were introduced to mind maps/flow charts for getting their stories going. They were introduced to brainstorming techniques and how to get the creative juices flowing. Students received hands-on instructions, and were introduced to a software package for creating industry formatted scripts. The student interaction, suggestions and support of other student ideas created an overwhelming synergy in the room. A mom and dad came in to get their three sons started with writing for video games, and ended up joining in on the class themselves, offering some interesting ideas and suggestions. Several other students shared their unique script ideas for getting started with their own video game. PETAL et al. was very impressed with the ideas students were sharing, and even more impressed by how everyone participating jumped in to help each other out by making suggestions on their script ideas. Ms. Bratcher definitely had the students engaged. After class, there were students asking about the possibilities of extending the workshop. New workshops will be starting up after the holidays.