Midwest Game Developers Summit and Pocket Con

CLICK HERE FOR Midwest Game Developers Summit SCHEDULE.

Midwest Game Developers Summit coming up: http://mgdsummit.com/  You can sign up here: conta.cc/1p0DOok
“The Midwest Game Developers Summit is a two day game development conference being held at the Olympia Resort in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin on July 12 -13, 2014. MGDS is meant to bring aspiring students and professional developers from around the Midwest together to network and discuss various game development topics through lectures, panels, and workshops.”
Let’s show our support in Wisconsin for the work put into bringing this event to the Midwest!
Successful Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mgdsummit/midwest-game-developers-summit

Driving Directions Contact Event Registration Services
TB Media, LLC
515-999-MGDS (6437)

Pocket Con III
Saturday July 12, 2014
12:00-6:00 P.M. (PETAL et al. Introduction to Game Design and Development 3:15 to 5:00 pm)

A day of comics and entertainment for Chicago Teens featuring comic artists and game developers of color.

Gary Comer Youth Center
7200 S. Ingleside